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What is Ransomware? and Why Should it Concern Me?
Dangerous for you but highly profitable for hackers, ransomware is one of today’s most destructive security threats.
As more powerful ransomware strains emerge, at the time of writing this LockBit is the most dangerous, it’s essential to understand how attacks operate and what you can do to protect yourself.
Ransomware is malicious software that encrypts files on your computer or locks your device and demands a ransom in exchange for decryption.
Ransomware spreads through phishing attacks, infected websites, or other methods of hacking.
Ransomware hackers often demand that a ransom is paid, and there’s no guarantee that paying will get your files decrypted.
How Do I Know If I’ve Been Attacked?
Quite simply. You turn on your computer and get a message that all of your files, that’s your photos, documents etc are locked and there is no way to access them.
How Do I Get Access Back To My Computer and Files?
Unfortunately for most people they can’t regain access to their data. The files are locked and even paying the ransom doesn’t allow access to them.
You have to be proactive. Some Internet Security products will be able to remove the infection but then your files will still be locked and inaccessible.
With Total Internet Security not only will the infection be removed, but you will be able to roll back your files to a time before they were infected.
Total Internet Security also comes with a guarantee that should it not be able to remove the infection automatically we will remove it free of charge*
Total Data Security uses just one internet security product to protect your computer along with an automatic backup that saves up to 30 versions of your files whereas Total Internet Security uses a number of different security products that can look for different types of infections. Only Total Internet Security has a guarantee that the infection will be removed.
Our internet security packages are designed to protect your computer from any scams or viruses.
Total Internet Security
Total Internet Security is our most advanced internet security and can offer you complete piece of mind that your computer is fully protected and your documents are safe.
Total Internet Security is designed to fully protect against ALL viruses, including ransomware & spyware. It comes complete with a full cloud base back up service.
Service starting from as little as £11.99 per month.
Total Data Security
Total Data Security will ensure that computer is protected and your documents are safe.
Total Data Security will protect against viruses, including ransomware and comes complete with a full cloud back up service.
Service starting from as little as £5.99 per month